Past work
A record in bone: Exploring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander bone and tooth objects (Aboriginal Studies Press, 2023)
Aspirational Chinese in competitive social repositionings: A re-analysis of societal dynamics from 1964 to 2000 (Anthem Press, 2023)
Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (HammondCare, 2022)
Changing Australian education: How policy is taking us backwards and what can be done about it (Routledge, 2019)
Convict Valley: A history of the Hunter Valley (Allen & Unwin, 2020)
Country frameworks for development displacement and resettlement: Reducing risk, building resilience (Routledge, 2019)
Critical perspectives on economics of education (Taylor & Francis, 2022)
Developing positive classroom environments: Strategies for nurturing adolescent learning (Allen & Unwin, 2017)
Disability, criminal justice and law: Reconsidering court diversion (Routledge, 2020)
Early childhood leadership in action: Evidence-based approaches for effective practice (Allen & Unwin, 2018)
Eve Langley and The Pea Pickers (Monash University Publishing, 2021)
Everyday community practice: Principles and practice (Allen & Unwin 2019)
Finding the plot: A maternal approach to madness in literature (Demeter Press, 2017)
Food and nutrition: Sustainable food and health systems (4th ed, Allen & Unwin, 2019)
Fostering culturally diverse leadership in organisations: Lessons from those who smashed the bamboo ceiling (Routledge, 2022)
Funding Palestine: Rents and the quest for sovereignty (Palgrave MacMillan, 2022)
Gender, crime and murder in Victorian England (Routledge, 2023)
Holistic mental health support (Cengage, 2022)
Human rights challenges to European migration policy (Vrije Universitat Amsterdam, 2021)
Human rights in Sierra Leone 1787-2016: The long struggle from the Translantic Slave Trade to the present (Routledge, 2018)
In crime’s archive: The cultural afterlife of evidence (Routledge, 2018)
Law in Australian society: An introduction to principles and process (Allen & Unwin 2019)
Legal education through an Indigenous lens: Decolonising the law school (Routledge, 2024)
Making mental health: A critical history (Routledge, 2024)
Maranoa Botanic Gardens Florilegium (Maranoa City Council, 2020)
Monumental disruptions: Aboriginal People and colonial commemorations in so-called Australia (Aboriginal Studies Press, 2023)
Moral issues in business (4th Asia-Pacific ed, Cengage Learning, 2020)
Ngargeee: Coming together to celebrate. South East Australian Aboriginal art (Aboriginal Studies Press, 2024)
Nutrition for sport, exercise and performance: A practical guide for students, sports enthusiasts and professionals (Allen & Unwin, 2019)
Organisational change, development & transformation (7th ed, Cengage Learning, 2019)
Oxford handbook of international cultural heritage law (Oxford University Press, 2020)
Public sociology: An introduction to Australian society (4th ed, Allen & Unwin, 2018)
Real estate analysis: A toolkit for property analysts (Routledge, 2023)
Reimagining the gendered nation: Citizenship and human rights in post-colonial Kenya (Boydell &Brewer, 2022)
Research design: Why thinking about design matters (SAGE Publications 2023)
Research in nursing, midwifery & allied health: Evidence for best practice (7th ed, Cengage, 2021)
Rethinking reflection and ethics for teachers (Springer, 2019)
Safe access to asylum in Europe: Normative assessment of safe pathways to protection in the legal context of the European Union (Nomos, 2023)
State fragility and resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa: Indicators and interventions (Routledge, 2020)
State fragility: Case studies and comparisons (Routledge, 2022)
Strategic communication: Public relations at work (Routledge, 2020)
Sustainable and shared value creation: Innovative strategies for organisational success (Nova Science Publishers, 2020)
The 1970 UNESCO and 1995 UNIDROIT Conventions on stolen or illegally transferred cultural property: A commentary (Oxford University Press, 2023)
The Ankhara code: An adventure in essence (Ellie Deighton, 2020)
The art of teaching science for middle and secondary school (3rd ed, Allen & Unwin, 2019)
The body collected: A social and cultural history of human specimen collections and museums in Australia (Bloomsbury Press, 2023)
The criminalisation of fantasy material: Law and sexually explicit representations of fictional children (Routledge, 2020)
The customering method: From CX dogma to customer science (Routledge, 2024)
The factory: The official history of the Australian Signals Directorate, Vol 1 (Allen & Unwin, 2023)
The millionaires factory: The inside story of how Macquarie Bank became a global giant (Allen & Unwin, 2022)
The regulation of medical products: Dope, drugs and devices (Routledge, 2024)
The remarkable Mr and Mrs Johnson: Founders of modern Australia’s first church, schools and charity, and friends of Aboriginal people, 1788–1800 (Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2023)
The woman president: Leadership, law and legacy for women based on experiences from south and southeast Asia (Oxford University Press, 2022)
Treaty – Let’s get it right! (Aboriginal Studies Press, 2003/2023)
A number theoretic approach to credit creation in banking. WSEAS Transactions on Business & Economics 16: 178–184.
A review and assessment of different acid leaching systems for the extraction of metals from spent Lithium-ion batteries. Under review.
Allocation policies to fulfil heterogeneous service requirements under resource pooling. Decision Sciences,
Approaching student engagement: Navigating theories and critiques of student-centred learning. Teaching in Higher Education, under review.
Assessing transparency and methodological precision in variable measurement within organizational research: implications for validity. Quality & Quantity, 2024.
Big data, thick data, digital transformation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Why qualitative inquiry is more relevant than ever before. In Collaborative Futures in Qualitative Inquiry, Routledge, 2021: ISBN 9781003154587.
Building public confidence in medical registration revalidation: Reform of medical registration law in Australia – a new risk-based approach. Journal of Law and Medicine 25(4):1009-1032
Childrearing practices among sub-Saharan African migrants in Australia: A systematic review. Journal of Child and Family Studies 28(3)
Climate change as a hyperobject: A critical review of Timothy Morton’s reframing narrative. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change,
Communicating in ageing societies: The global implications of demographic change. International Journal of Communication, under review.
Digital and social media marketing – growing market share for small and medium companies? Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, under review.
Economic desperation and dependence are driving the Palestinian Authority’s political decisions. Middle East Institute, 2 December 2020.
Enhancing the rights of protection-seeking migrants through the Global Compact for Migration: The case of EU asylum policy. International Journal of Refugee Law 35(4).
Establishing meaningful limits of detection for ion-selective electrodes and other nonlinear sensors. Sensors 5(1): 250-257
First Nations Children and families and permanency planning reform: The evidence counts. Australian Social Work 76(3),
Funding: Constructing new, and refracting existing, understandings of quality in qualitative inquiry. In The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research Quality, Sage, 2024
History and representation of the challenges of governance in the fragile States of Sub-Saharan Africa. In Governance and Political Adaptation in Fragile States, Palgrave-MacMillan, 2018: ISBN 9783319907499.
Impacts of social integration and loneliness status during resettlement on general and mental health among humanitarian migrants in Australia over time: Evidence from a longitudinal study. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health,
Improving performance of infrastructure projects in developing countries – an Ecuadorian case study. International Journal of Construction Management,
Internal auditors’ perceptions of their role in environmental, Social and governance assurance and consulting. Managerial Auditing Journal 30(1): 80-111.
Meat supply chain network design: a robust-resilient-sustainable framework with a novel solution method. International Journal of Supply & Operations Management 11(3).
Multiple case explorations of Australian property organisations creating social and economic value: application of shared value framework. International Journal of Sustainability in Economic, Social and Cultural Context 14(4): 57-82.
Multivariate limit of detection for non-linear sensor arrays. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 201: 104016.
Ovid’s Ceres and the courtship of Adonis in Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis. Parergon 34(1): 95-107.
Parramatta Female Factory Precinct as a site of conscience: Using institutional pasts to shape just legal futures. UNSW Law Journal 43(2): 521-551.
Principle-based marketing: A conceptual model. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, under review.
Professional skepticism through audit praxis: An Aristotelian perspective. Journal of Accounting Literature, under review.
Protection, crime and punishment: Adding refugee law to the crimmigration mix in Australia. In Research Handbook on the Law and Politics of Migration, Edward Elgar, 2021: ISBN 9781789902259
Questioning segregation of people living with dementia in Australia: An international human rights approach to care homes. Laws 8(3),
Reading the High Court at a distance: The legal subject matter and judicial activity of the High Court of Australia 1903–2010. UNSW Law Journal 39(4) 1300-1354.
Service-level agreement with dynamic inventory policy: The effect of performance review period and incentive structure. Decision Sciences,
Shared value creation in Australian insurance industry: The qualitative case studies of IAG and AIA. European Journal of Business and Management 11(30): 60-70.
Stochastic claims reserving via a Bayesian spline model with random loss ratio effects. ASTIN Bulletin,
Telling the untold: First Nations People’s perceptions of policing in Broken Hill and Wilcannia. Current Issues in Criminal Justice: 1–23.
The added-value role of industrial and logistics REITs in the Pacific Rim region. Journal of Property Investment and Finance 38(6): 597-616.
The evolution of consciousness. Environment and Ecology Research 6(4),
The impact of funding on ways qualitative research is thought about and designed. In The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, Sage Publishing, 2023.
The patient’s voice: Australian healthcare quality and safety regulation from the perspective of the public. Journal of Law and Medicine 25(2), 408-428.
The use of coercive public health and human biosecurity law in Australia: An empirical analysis. UNSW Law Journal 43(1): 117-154.
Water resource management in the context of a non-potable water reuse case study in arid climate. Energy Ecology and Environment 5(1),
A criminological and psychological approach to criminal offender personality traits (PhD thesis, School of Law, University of Western Australia)
A critical ethnography of factors influencing decision making in postoperative pain management of older people (PhD thesis, University of Newcastle)
A critical examination of the structural and agentic forces that contribute to social class inequalities and impact attainment of communicative competency in English (CCE): A comparative case study analysis of three middle schools in Karachi (PhD thesis, School of Education, Western Sydney University)
‘A different kind of weapon’? Nonviolent action and the protection of civilians in violent conflict (PhD thesis, Australian National University)
A human rights due diligence approach to sexual violence in large-scale mining (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, UTS)
A long way from Mount Sinjar: A study on the resettlement of Ezidi refugees in Wagga Wagga (MA thesis, Department of Anthropology, Macquarie University)
A mixed methods action research study investigating improvements in student engagement and teaching practice during the implementation of an enterprise skills course (PhD thesis, School of Education, University of New England)
A mother’s heart beats for two: To explore the current provision of evidence-based practice, and clinical outcomes for women with cardiovascular disease during pregnancy (PhD thesis, Adelaide Medical School, University of Adelaide)
A novel method for the assessment of anti-scatter x-ray grid performance (PhD thesis, Department of Public Health, Canberra University)
A phenomenological description of feeling not-good-enough in the workplace: The worth of worth (PhD thesis, School of Business, Macquarie University)
A stability contingent model of interpersonal trust in a local government context (PhD thesis, School of Business, Curtin University)
A study into the factors that influence early access to defibrillation following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Tasmania (PhD thesis, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of New South Wales)
A study of contagion and regulation in global and local banking industries (PhD thesis, School of Business, University of Western Sydney)
A sui generis regime for the protection of traditional knowledge: What can we learn from India and Peru in the protection of traditional knowledge in Australia? (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, UTS)
A tale of rights and wrongs: Stories and storytelling on the issue of asylum seeker boat arrivals to Australia (PhD thesis, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney)
Access for Deaf people: Perceptions of the NDIS client experience (M Res thesis, Department of Educational Studies, Macquarie University)
Accountability deficits and overloads: A missing framework (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, Australian National University)
Actor participation and its impact on organisations’ financial performance (PhD thesis, Department of Management and Marketing, Melbourne University)
Adult cancer survivors’ health literacy skills and their management of chronic issues secondary to oncologic treatments in Australia (M Phil thesis, School of Health, University of New England)
An analysis of transaction cost in infrastructure projects (PhD thesis, Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology)
An economic exploration of obesity, quality of life and consumer preferences (PhD thesis, Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation, University of Technology Sydney)
An exploratory study of tactics and strategies in career success among ICT Professionals in the Australian Public Service (PhD thesis, University of Canberra)
An investigation of the design and implementation of a telemonitoring program for diabetes patients in a Victorian health services network using action research method (D Bus Admin thesis, Australian Institute of Business)
Annotating the performance meshwork: Experimental visualisations of orchestral conductors for audiences new to classical music (PhD thesis, UNSW)
Anxiety, ambiguity, and the emotional modulation of early visual processing (PhD thesis, School of Psychology, UNSW)
Application of surrogate outcomes for decision-making in prostate cancer (PhD thesis, University of Technology Sydney, Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation)
Assessment of Archie parameters in shale: An experimental approach (PhD thesis, Western Australian School of Mines, Curtin University)
Attitudes to ageing: Health care professionals (PhD thesis, Faculty of Medicine & Health, University of Sydney)
Australian interculturalism in practice: A case study of a Victorian local government authority (PhD thesis, Faculty of Health, Arts and Design, Swinburne University of Technology)
Book-zakat differences, royal family directors, institutional investors, and earnings persistence: Evidence from Saudi Arabia (PhD thesis, School of Accounting, Curtin University)
Ceding to the ‘other’: A search for relational teaching praxis (PhD thesis, Faculty of Education, Monash University)
Changing course: Understanding judicial independence in Pakistan (PhD thesis, Oxford University)
Classification as a technique of jurisdiction: Categories of tree protection in New South Wales’ legal history (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, UTS)
Climate change law and policy in the post-Kyoto Protocol era and its impacts on Bangladesh (PhD thesis, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Southern Queensland)
Climate gentrification in coastal cities in the era of climate change: concept, emergence, and empirical evidence (PhD thesis, School of the Environment, University of Queensland)
Clinical governance in India (PhD thesis, Faculty of Health, UTS)
Clinical, genetic and cellular basis of inherited cardiovascular disease (PhD thesis, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney)
Closing the gap: Cycling dissonance in urban commuting (PhD thesis, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland)
Co-creation of new knowledge: Increasing the research capacity of third sector organisations (PhD thesis, University of New England)
Coercive control via financial and legal systems abuse post separation and its contribution to the feminisation of poverty and homelessness in older, dependent married women in property settlement proceedings (PhD thesis, University of Western Australia)
Collaboration or cooperation? Interactions and collaboration in interdisciplinary teams (PhD thesis, Melbourne University)
College-level business courses in the UAE: Learning environment, teacher interpersonal behaviour and student adaptive learning engagement (PhD thesis, Curtin University)
Colocation technology in the Australian market: Assessing the impacts on market microstructure and efficiency (PhD thesis, Department of Applied Finance, Macquarie University)
Communication ecclesiology and communication in the post-Vatican II Church (Masters thesis, School of Philosophy & Theology, University of Notre Dame, Sydney)
Consumer engagement for patient safety: Strategies for consumer engagement for culturally and linguistically diverse consumers in cancer services (PhD thesis, Macquarie University)
Content and context: Connecting oral history and social history in Solomon Islands (Masters thesis, Australian National University)
Continuously liquidating tontines in modern financial environments (PhD thesis, Department of Actuarial Studies & Business Analytics, Macquarie University)
Correcting the record: Reconstructing the history of criminal legal engagement with iatrogenic harm (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney)
Crime, perceptions of safety, and public transit ridership: A space-time approach (PhD thesis, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland)
Cut and mix culture: Visual explorations of contemporary diaspora identity (PhD thesis, Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney)
Cutting the Gordian knot of failed family accommodation agreements: Identifying vulnerability to improve access to justice for older people (PhD thesis, School of Law, University of South Australia)
Decontamination of central venous access device needleless connectors (PhD thesis, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University)
Delving into the diversification and performance relationship: Building a more nuanced understanding through the inclusion of new contextual variables (PhD thesis, School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University)
Design and optimisation of time-frequency analysis for multichannel neonatal EEG background features in term neonates with HIE: Characterisation, classification and outcome prediction (PhD thesis, Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland)
Designing with volition: Examining the antecedents and outcomes of consumers’ perceived autonomy in co-production platforms (PhD thesis, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne)
Designing, implementing, and evaluating a holistic injury prevention strategy in Australian pre-elite netball athletes (PhD thesis, Research Institute for Sport and Exercise, University of Canberra)
Developing the higher-order thinking skills of middle-school geography students using Geographic Information Systems (GIS): A study of direct instruction and guided discovery pedagogies and the impact of additional multimedia scaffolding and teacher modelling (Department of Educational Studies, Macquarie University)
Development and evaluation of a mobile health intervention to improve physical activity and sleep health in adults: The SYNERGY Study (PhD thesis, University of Newcastle)
Development of a framework for quality assurance and quality control for magnetic resonance and molecular imaging modalities (PhD thesis, Queensland Brain Institute/Centre for Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland)
Development of a high-speed turbo electric propulsion system for remotely piloted aircraft systems (PhD thesis, School of Engineering, RMIT)
Dirty talk: A critical discourse analysis of offensive language crimes (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney)
Disability, criminal justice and law: Reconsidering court diversion (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney)
Divorced women’s financial rights in Afghanistan: Does mahr offer financial security to Afghan divorced women? (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, UTS)
Doctors at work: Essays on medical careers, family and private practice (PhD thesis, School of Economics and Public Policy, University of Adelaide)
Does changing the way a DCE is presented to respondents affect results? An investigation in the context of health using between subject designs (PhD thesis, Centre for Health Economics Research & Evaluation, UTS)
Domestic courts and transnational law in Australia: A case law study on judicial empowerment in aviation and financial transnational private regulation cases (LL.M. thesis, Faculty of Business Economics and Law, La Trobe University)
Economic implications of anxiety and depression in cancer care (PhD thesis, Centre for Health Economics Research & Evaluation, UTS)
Effect of subsidiary age on parent absorptive capacity in the context of reverse knowledge transfer (Honours thesis, School of Business, University of Sydney)
Effects of classroom-based resistance training breaks on adolescents’ cognitive function (PhD thesis, University of Newcastle)
Effects of the fourth industrial revolution on Kenya’s food and beverage manufacturing sector (M Res thesis, Department of Economics, Macquarie University)
Eliciting preferences for purchasing decisions for PBS medicines in Australia (PhD thesis, Centre for Health Economics Research & Education, University of Technology Sydney)
Eliminating morality: Methods and reasons (PhD thesis, Department of Philosophy, University of Newcastle)
Energy efficiency in China: Regulation, deliberation and capacity-building in state-owned enterprises (PhD thesis, REGNET/College of Asia Pacific, Australian National University)
Energy price and economic activity in the USA (PhD thesis, Faculty of Business & Economics, Macquarie University)
Enhancing enterprise network performance: The use of quality of service and traffic control (D Inf Tech thesis, School of Computing and Mathematics, Charles Sturt University
Equitable access to healthcare in the era of universal health coverage: A study of excluded communities in the state of Kerala (PhD thesis, Canberra University)
Essays on the externalities of environmental innovation (PhD thesis, Centre for Transformative Innovation, Swinburne University of Technology)
Ethnic and cultural representations in the built environment and their relationships to place-identity: A case-study of Cabramatta, Sydney (PhD thesis, Faculty of Built Environment, University of NSW)
Evaluating the effectiveness of the MASTER coaching program as a coach development tool for improving coaching practices of football coaches and improving a range of player outcomes (PhD thesis, School og Education, University of Newcastle)
Examination of the diagnosis, treatment and risk factors of Macrorhabdus ornithogaster in Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) in Australia (PhD thesis, Sydney School of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney)
Exercise strategies for the management of adiposity and lean mass in obesity and type 2 diabetes (PhD thesis, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney)
Exploring facilitators and barriers of appropriate and timely initiation of intravenous fluids for adults with sepsis in emergency departments (PhD thesis, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University)
Exploring numeracy with an epistemic lens: A primary school classroom’s epistemic climates for mathematics topics (PhD thesis, Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice, Queensland University of Technology)
Exploring the potential for community-academic partnerships in social work field education to increase quality placement opportunities (PhD thesis, School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT)
Factors influencing early supplier/contractor involvement in public procurement and their impacts on the outcome of the partnership (PhD thesis, College of Business & Law, RMIT)
Fantasy crime: The criminalisation of fantasy material under Australia’s child abuse legislation (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales)
Flipped learning in undergraduate English departments in Indonesia (PhD thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Canberra)
From codified knowledge to action in practice: Knowledge mobilisation by professionals (PhD thesis, Faculty of Business, Government & Law, University of Canberra)
From tokenism to respect: What children and educators know about Australian Aboriginality and Aboriginal art (PhD thesis, School of Social Sciences, Western Sydney University)
Gait outcomes in preschool-aged children born very preterm (Melbourne School of Health Sciences, Melbourne University)
Generating Indigenous legal rights (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney)
Geographic access, sociodemographic and built environmental features predictive of breast screening service utilisation in Greater Sydney, Australia (PhD thesis, Health Research Institute, University of Canberra)
Getting good outcomes from sub-national governments: A case study on Indonesian fiscal decentralisation (PhD thesis, Faculty of Business & Law, Curtin University)
Graduate health management trainees’ perceptions of workplace bullying behaviours: An Australian perspective (PhD thesis, Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney)
Growing up in Australia: The effects of parental immigration status, country of origin, and acculturation on the dynamics of children’s bodyweight status (PhD thesis, University of Canberra)
Harmonised taxonomies of security and resilience: A suitable foundation for the security discipline (PhD thesis, School of Engineering + Information Technology, University of New South Wales)
Heaven’s beauties: Myth and failed transformation in Shakespeare’s non-dramatic texts (PhD thesis, Department of English, Macquarie University)
High frequency trading in Australian derivatives markets (PhD thesis, Faculty of Business, Macquarie University)
Historical trauma and resilience: Stories with Aboriginal young people in Australia (PhD thesis, University of Technology Sydney)
How can Myanmar effectively regulate corruption in its banking and public finance sectors during its current transitional period? (PhD thesis, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University)
How do prudential regulators discuss and mitigate short-termism? (M Res thesis, Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance, Macquarie University)
Human dignity and constitutional spatial theory: Towards an Australian framework for the resolution of conflicts in equality rights and religious liberties claims (PhD thesis, School of Law, Adelaide University)
Human rights of people with disabilities ( D Pub Health thesis, School of Public Health & Community Medicine, UNSW)
Identification of effectiveness criteria of financial intelligence tools for early detection of terrorist financing activities (PhD thesis, Faculty of Arts, Macquarie University)
Identifying and responding to the psychosocial support needs of young people when a loved one is a missing person (PhD thesis, Institute for Positive Psychology & Education, Australian Catholic University)
‘If we don’t take that who will?’ An ethnographic exploration of a local studies collection in an Australian public library (PhD thesis, University of Southern Queensland)
Imagery within the southern continent on world maps 1527–1620 (PhD thesis, Centre for European Studies, Australian National University)
Impact of genetic polymorphisms on cancer risk, alternative splicing and miRNA expression (PhD thesis, Centre for Genomics and Personalised Health, Queensland University of Technology)
Impact of macroeconomic and monetary policy uncertainty shocks on economic growth: An empirical study of Pakistan (PhD thesis, Edith Cowan University)
Impacts of air quality in housing markets: Evidence from China (PhD thesis, School of Built Environment, UNSW)
Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in Australia: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ governance of traditional knowledge and the roles and functions of incorporated community organisations (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, UTS)
Improving the risk assessment of short-term stormwater and effluent discharges to aquatic environments (PhD thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Technology Sydney)
Improvised nomadic movement: Flow and resistance (PhD thesis, Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney)
Injury prevention in pre-elite athletes (PhD thesis, Research Institute for Sport and Exercise, University of Canberra)
‘Inner qualities versus inequalities’: A case study of student change learning about Aboriginal health using sequential, explanatory mixed methods (D Pub Health thesis, School of Population Health, University of New South Wales)
Insights into the activity systems of first-year university students: Approaches and personnel influencing student success (D Ed thesis, School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University)
Integrated EBM-SDM training for junior doctors: A mixed-methods investigation of successes and challenges (PhD thesis, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University)
Interactive gesture elicitation through immersive computing and semantic modelling (PhD thesis, Australian National University)
Interconnected practices and household improvisation: A multi-sited ethnography of meat consumption routines in urban Australia and Indonesia (PhD thesis, School of Social Sciences, University of Queensland)
Intercultural (im)politeness, offence and troubles-remedy sequences (PhD thesis, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Queensland)
Interrogating moderate Islam: A case study of Australia and Türkiye (PhD thesis, University of New England)
Intersecting fields: Young people, internet-based practices and education (PhD thesis, Faculty of Education, Monash University)
Investigating influences on early childhood educators’ outdoor nature-related practices with children from six weeks to under three years of age (PhD thesis, School of Education, University of New England)
Investigation of optically transparent non-wetting coatings (PhD thesis, School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne)
Is the schoolyard sick? Investigating the design impacts of secondary schoolyards on perceptions of student wellbeing (PhD thesis, Health Research Institute, Canberra University)
‘It’s the history, that’s the killer’: First Nations resistance to proactive policing in Broken Hill and Wilcannia (PhD thesis, UTS Law, University of Technology Sydney)
Kick-Smart education: Promoting academic achievement, fitness and wellbeing in primary school-aged children through martial arts (PhD thesis, College of Human and Social Futures, University of Newcastle)
Lecturers’ concerns regarding the implementation of the Indonesian Higher Education Curriculum (HEC) in undergraduate English major programs (PhD thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Canberra)
Liquid crystal transducers and intracavity loss modulation in Q-switched pulsed laser sources (PhD thesis, Department of Physics, Macquarie University)
Local civil society groups in autonomous Papua: Continuity, criticism and civil resistance during a period of conflict (PhD thesis, Australian National University)
Macroeconomic policy, fiscal decentralisation and spatial inequalities in Pakistan (PhD thesis, Newcastle Business School, University of Newcastle)
Making the virtual actual: A research model to understand music of contemporary open-world video games (PhD thesis, Faculty of Arts, University of Adelaide)
Managing adaptively as climate varies: A case study of the Shepparton Irrigation Region (PhD thesis, Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University)
Matching packaging solutions to household food waste drivers so consumers waste less food at home (PhD thesis, School of Design, RMIT)
Matters of concern: A critical investigation of bioplastics, 3D printing, and the maker movement (PhD thesis, Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture, University of New South Wales)
Measuring resilience and wellbeing in young Aboriginal people: A psychometric evaluation (PhD thesis, Murdoch University/Ngangk Yira Institute for Change)
Medical care in Thailand: Motivating factors for Australians (PhD thesis, College of Business, Victoria University)
Midwives’ perspectives on obstetric violence during childbirth (M Res thesis, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Western Sydney University)
Mission creep: Curricularising knowledges in a new transnational university in the Persian Gulf (PhD thesis, Faculty of Education, Monash University)
Modelling the cost-effectiveness of strategies to treat end stage heart failure using discrete event simulation (PhD thesis, Centre for Health Economics Research & Evaluation, UTS)
‘More crop per drop’ in Pakistan: Development of an agricultural water accounting paradigm scale to guide policy responses (PhD thesis, School of Business, University of South Australia)
More than a meal: Building an evidence-based framework of mealtime-related quality of life, participation, and inclusion for people with swallowing disability (PhD thesis, Graduate School of Health, University of Technology Sydney)
Moving on: Primary school aged refugee student transition from new arrival to mainstream schooling (PhD thesis, School of Education, University of South Australia)
Near-infrared radiative transfer models of the giant planetary atmospheres (PhD thesis, School of Physics, UNSW)
Neonatal mortality in low and lower-middle income countries: Which areas require further attention? Evidence from Bangladesh (PhD thesis, Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney)
Normal operations monitoring: A new approach to measuring and monitoring human and safety performance tested in aviation ground operations (PhD thesis, School of Aviation, University of New South Wales)
Optimal home energy management system for committed power exchange considering renewable generation (PhD thesis, School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Curtin University)
Optimising quality and safety experiences and outcomes for inpatient children and young people with intellectual disability using a strengths-based approach (PhD thesis, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of New South Wales)
Organisation and provision of in-prison care to older prisoners: A mixed methods collective case study (PhD thesis, University of New South Wales)
Organisation capital and carbon performance (PhD thesis, Macquarie University)
Overweight and obesity: An economic exploration of rational choice and solutions (PhD thesis, Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation, University of Technology Sydney)
Passageways & caravans: A resource-based approach to understanding structural constraints on successful aging at work (PhD thesis, Australian National University)
Performance implications of customer participation (PhD thesis, Department of Management & Marketing, University of Melbourne)
Pharmacokinetic profiles of continuous subcutaneous ketamine infusion for cancer treatment-related oral and pharyngeal mucositis pain (PhD thesis, Monash University)
Pharmacological and clinical effects of a standardised herbal extract (NXQ) for ischaemic stroke (PhD thesis, NICM Health Research Institute, Western Sydney University)
Political economy of the rentierism of the Palestinian authority (PhD thesis, Collee of Business and Economics, Australian National University)
Porous implant design by topology optimisation using the floating projection (PhD thesis, School of Engineering, Swinburne University)
Preventing teenage intimate partner violence: Advocate perceptions of education programs in the Global South (Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology)
Problematising sustainability in nature play programs: Pedagogical transformations and ambitious alignments (PhD thesis, School of Education, University of New England)
Prognostic value of high-sensitive troponin-T (hs-TnT) after on-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery (M Surg thesis, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney)
Psychological distress and community exclusion in Indigenous communities: A convergent parallel study (PhD thesis, National Centre for Indigenous Studies, ANU)
Public relations and social capital in Indonesia’s bureaucratic reform policy 2015–2019 (M Comm thesis, Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University)
Pulsed laser sources utilising liquid crystals as intra-cavity modulators (PhD thesis, Department of Physics, Macquarie University)
Queensland legislators and a right to property as a human right: The functioning of the concept of human dignity (PhD thesis, Adelaide Law School, University of Adelaide)
Reconciling conservation and development for coastal livelihoods: Understanding foundations for small-scale fisheries co-management in Savu Raijua District, eastern Indonesia (PhD thesis, Research Institute for the Environment & Living, Charles Darwin University)
Reducing the postprandial glycaemic impact of dietary protein in type 1 diabetes mellitus (PhD thesis, School of Medicine & Public Health, University of Newcastle)
Regulatory capital and liquidity creation: The role of bank characteristics in a cross-country study (PhD thesis, School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University)
Reproducing justice in Australia: A radical disability reproductive justice framework for Indigenous and non-Indigenous disabled women and girls (PhD thesis, University of Technology Sydney)
Restorative justice with juveniles from the perspective of Australian practitioners: A realist review (PhD thesis, Faculty of Education, Torrens University)
Reversing multi-drug antimicrobial resistance with efflux pump inhibitors (PhD thesis, School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of South Australia)
Safe, protected… connected? The best interests of Aboriginal children and permanency planning in the NSW care and protection system (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, UTS)
School bullying: Does restorative justice address the needs for the victim, perpetrator, families and school teachers? (PhD thesis, School of Law, University of Western Sydney)
Set in stone: An intertextual reading of monumentality, national identity, and creative preservation in Ashton Raggatt McDougall’s redevelopment of Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance (PhD thesis, Faculty of Architecture, Monash University)
Small state diplomacy: Cambodia and its larger neighbours (PhD thesis, School of Humanities + Social Sciences, UNSW/Australian Defence Force Academy)
Socio-economic and ecological controls of nature-based solutions across developing economies (PhD thesis, Macquarie University)
Spatial reallocation of aggregated data: Land use mapping using constrained Bayesian methods (PhD thesis, School of Finance + Applied Statistics, Australian National University)
Spatial rhythms: A search for slow contemplation through formal sculptural considerations (M Fine Arts thesis, National Art School, University of Sydney)
Straight-talking, but from the heart: Exploring judicial court-craft in sentencing offenders for intimate partner violence (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Tasmania)
Strategic human resource management in public sector healthcare nursing in Ghana (PhD thesis, School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University)
Strategies to improve the safety of sedation during advanced gastrointestinal endoscopic interventions such as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (PhD thesis, Adelaide Medical School, University of Adelaide)
Submarine landslides, canyons, and morphological evolution of the East Australian continental margin (PhD thesis, School of Geosciences, University of Sydney)
Sustainability assessments: Investigating how foreign multinationals integrate development issues into their business activities (PhD thesis, Faculty of Business & Law, Swinburne University)
Tacit understandings: Explaining maritime Southeast Asia’s restraint towards China in the post-Cold War period (PhD thesis, College of Asia & the Pacific, ANU)
Teachers’ perceived understanding of formative assessment and how it impacts their classroom practice: A case-study investigation (D Ed thesis, Griffith University)
Teachers’ perspectives on digital access and factors impacting student ICT capability: Inequities with national online assessments (NAPLAN) in Australia (M Ed thesis, School of Education, Edith Cowan University)
Teaching critical reading in Bhutanese middle secondary schools: An integrated approach (PhD thesis, Faculty of Education, Canberra University)
Terra Australis: An analysis of the imagery in the unknown southern continent on Renaissance world maps 1520s–1620s (PhD thesis, School of Politics & International Relations, Australian National University)
Testing the effectiveness of a practice development intervention as an enabler of allied health leadership development (PhD thesis, Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney)
The Australian housing market: Understanding the causes and effects of supply and demand leads to rising prices (MBA thesis, University of Technology Sydney)
The Chaldean parent’s construction of their involvement in their children’s secondary education (PhD thesis, Institute for Positive Psychology & Education, Australian Catholic University)
The changing face of Australia: From secular to post-secular identity (PhD thesis, School of Philosophy + Theology, University of Notre Dame, Sydney)
The China story: A media narrative analysis of Beijing’s global communications (PhD thesis, School of Media, Film & Journalism, Monash University)
The concealment controversy: Sexual orientation, ‘discretion’ reasoning and the scope of refugee protection (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
The connection between metacognition and academic writing in a praxis inquiry model of teacher education (PhD thesis, College of Education, Victoria University)
The contextual quality of life of women with cervical cancer (PhD thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Stellenbosch University)
The continuing violence of colonisation: Mining and water pollution from an Australian Aboriginal perspective (MPhil thesis, University of New England)
The disruptive influence of personalised medicine on traditional evidence-based medicine practices (PhD thesis, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney)
The effect of parenteral nutrition on microbial growth and its influence on catheter-related infection in patients with a central venous access device (PhD thesis, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Griffith University)
The effect of pelvic floor muscle exercises on female sexual function during pregnancy and the first three months postpartum (PhD thesis, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Western Sydney University)
The emergence continuum: An analysis of governance arrangements and local decision-making in UK 1997–2014 (PhD thesis, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University)
The enlightened mother in Australian Tibetan Buddhism (PhD thesis, University of New England)
The five classes of support: Designing digital engagement to address the needs of ventricular assist device stakeholders (PhD thesis, School of Architecture, Engineering & Information, University of Queensland)
The geography of Alzheimer’s disease in New South Wales: Using spatial science to investigate social and systemic effects (PhD thesis, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW)
The impact of an aged care onsite pharmacist model on medication appropriateness (PhD thesis, Health Research Institute, University of Canberra)
The impact of audit market concentration on audit quality: Evidence from Australia (PhD thesis, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Curtin University)
The impact of corporate social responsibility disclosure on cost efficiency, financial stability, and dividend policy of Islamic banks: Evidence from GCC countries (PhD thesis, Centre for Markets, Value and Inclusion, University of South Australia)
The implementation of in-house testing for von Willebrand Disease at Dorevitch Pathology (M App Sci thesis, School of Medical Sciences, RMIT)
The influence of social interactions on tourist experience and tourist satisfaction: A study of group package tours in Vietnam (PhD thesis, School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University)
The instant image: A critical and creative exploration of the one-off photographic image (PhD thesis, Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne)
The internationalisation of infringement and the nationalisation of enforcement: The difficulties of enforcing copyright law in Australia (PhD thesis, School of Law, La Trobe University)
The nexus between sustainable development and economic dynamics in MENA & Sub-Saharan African countries (PhD thesis, School of Business, University of Western Sydney)
The politics of changing waterscapes in Wuhan (PhD thesis, School of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney)
The relationship between health and productivity: Implications for health policy (PhD thesis, Centre for Health Economics Research & Education, University of Technology Sydney)
The risk and return characteristics of sector-specific real estate investment trusts (REITs) in the Asia-Pacific (PhD thesis, Faculty of Arts, Architecture & Design, UNSW)
The role of cohousing in urban sustainability and planning: The case study of USA, Europe and Australia (Masters thesis, University of South Australia, School of Urban & Regional Planning)
The role of cultural intelligence in facilitating tacit knowledge sharing in Australian information and communication technology organisations (PhD thesis, School of Business Administration University of Southern Queensland)
The role of Indonesian government public relations in building social capital (M Res thesis, Faculty of Arts & Education, Deakin University)
The role of unregulated birthworkers in Australia from the perspective of women and birthworkers (PhD thesis, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University)
The structural power of business and the demise of the 2010 resources super profits tax (PhD thesis, School of Social Sciences, UNSW)
The utility of submaximal fitness tests in team sports for evaluating athletes’ physiological state (PhD thesis, School of Health Sciences, Western Sydney University)
Theoretical and empirical studies on currency markets with insights into financial technologies (PhD thesis, Department of Applied Finance, Macquarie University)
Three essays on Bayesian claims reserving methods in general insurance (PhD thesis, School of Accounting + Actuarial Studies, Australian National University)
Towards improving cardiovascular disease care among Arabic-speaking immigrants in Australia (PhD thesis, School of Biomedical Sciences, Charles Sturt University)
Tracking cerebral amyloid accumulation in ageing, mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, and other dementias (D Med Sci thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Melbourne University)
Transit-oriented design research for an improved multimodal EV bus system for Malaysia 2020 (PhD thesis, Department of Architectural & Industrial Design, Swinburne University of Technology)
Transnational movement in Central Asia 1991–2015: A social movement theory analysis (PhD thesis, Centre for Arab & Islamic Studies, Australian National University)
Tribal customary law in contemporary Jordan: How conciliation and security are achieved through legal pluralism using Bedouin justice (PhD thesis, School of Law, Western Sydney University)
Understanding racial profiling in Australia (PhD thesis, School of Law, Society and Criminology, University of New South Wales)
Understanding the role of nation building in Sino-South Korea economic interdependence and political relations (Masters thesis, School of Government and International Relations, University of Sydney)
Understanding value in the market and social research context (PhD thesis, Faculty of Arts, Business and Law, University of the Sunshine Coast)
Understanding vertical urban development by incorporating housing preference: The case in Brisbane, Australia (PhD thesis, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland)
Universal design in sport: A catalyst for social inclusion? (PhD thesis, School of Business, University of Technology Sydney)
University students’ mental health in Australia and Vietnam: The role of attachment style and social integration (MPhil thesis, School of Psychology, University of Newcastle)
Use of a national interest criterion in Commonwealth legislation: Suggested reforms in order to achieve greater accountability in executive decision-making (PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales)
Using insights from water isotopes to improve fully integrated numerical simulation of surface water-groundwater interactions (PhD thesis, School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle)
Value creation by large Australian organisations: Multiple case explorations in the banking, insurance and property industries (PhD thesis, School of Management, Victoria University)
Weaving a mat we can all sit on: Understanding the lived experience of RHD at the intersection of biomedical and Aboriginal worldviews (PhD thesis, Centre for Aboriginal Medical & Dental Health, University of Western Australia)
What should the law be regarding the double jeopardy rule in Australia? (PhD thesis, School of Law, La Trobe University)
What’s changed? Environmentally sustainable practices and motivations of tourism small and medium enterprises (SMEs): An inquiry into accommodation and non-accommodation sectors in an Australian regional destination (PhD thesis, School of Global Urban and Social Studies, RMIT)
Where regulation ends: Enforceable undertakings, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and the perils of unresponsiveness (PhD thesis, School of Business, University of Sydney)
Whose peace agreement? Indigenous peoples’ perspectives on Bangladesh’s CHT Accord 1997 (PhD thesis, Australian National University)
‘Woman’ in early imperial China: Sociopolitical forces and gender norms surrounding elite women in the Han Dynasty (PhD thesis, Department of Ancient History, Macquarie University)
Aboriginal Participation in Child Protection Decision-Making in NSW. Report prepared for the Law and Justice Foundation of NSW
Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings, Final Report: Who Was Looking After Me? Prioritising the Safety of Tasmanian Children
Facing the Past to Face the Future: Report prepared for the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Parents with Disability and Their Experience of Child Protection Systems. Report prepared for the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability
Insights from the Classroom and Community – Adult Literacy Need in Australia (Reading Writing Hotline)
Child Grant Program and the Health and Nutritional Well-Being of Under-Five Children in the Karnali Zone of Nepal: Assessing the Impact of Integrated Social Protection Services and Trend Analysis in five Districts (School of Social Sciences and Psychology, UNSW)
Comparison of Pain Management in Elderly Hip Fracture Patients with and without Cognitive Impairment: An Audit Cycle (Royal Australian College of Surgeons)
Engaging Families to Engage Students: Exploring How University Outreach Activities Can Forge Productive Partnerships with Families to Assist First-in-Family Students Navigate Their Higher Education Journey (National Teaching Fellowship, Final Report)
Examining Process: Court Appearances via Video Link for Young Offenders in Queensland (Australian Institute of Criminology)
Facilitating Student Engagement with Work Integrated Learning: A Risk Management Framework for Studentships (Adelaide University/Griffith University)
Geographic Targeting and Beneficiary Selection Criteria in Mozambique: Current Targeting Practices, Challenges, and Future Considerations (World Vision International)
Innovating Aged Care Organisations through Digital Disruption (Stage 1 research proposal, Business Faculty, University of Technology Sydney)
Innovative Approaches for Enhancing the 21st Century Student Experience (Final Report, Promotion of Excellence in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Fellowship)
Innovative approaches for enhancing the 21st Century student experience—Models and case studies (Promotion of Excellence in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Fellowship
Integrated Screening in Acute Care Hospital Settings: A Systematic Review (Centre for Health Services Management, University of Technology Sydney)
LASER-Resilience Report: Patterns & Predictors of Wellbeing 2019 (Phoenix Australia Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health, University of Melbourne)
Literature Review: Evaluation of the Health Education and Training Institute (NSW) Health Leadership Program (HETI/University of Technology, Sydney)
Locating the Courts within the Australian Accountability System (Conference Paper, 2018 Public Law Conference)
Misfeasance in Public Office: A Tort of Substance (Conference paper, Obligation IX: Ninth Biennial Conference on the Law of Obligations)
Navigating Resettlement: Matched Mentoring and Creative Media Design with Refugee and Migrant Youth in Transition, Greater Western Sydney (Centre for Educational Research, Western Sydney University/SYDwest Multicultural Services)
New Anthropology for Higher Education (Research Report, Promotion of Excellence in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Fellowship)
New Perspectives on the Student Experience (Interim Report, Promotion of Excellence in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Fellowship)
PFAS Health Study – Blood Serum Study Report (ANU, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, 2021)
PFAS Health Study – Cross-sectional Survey Report (ANU, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, 2021)
PFAS Health Study – Data Linkage Study Report (ANU, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, 2021)
The Integrated Planning & Reporting Framework: A stakeholder perspective (School of Business, Western Sydney University)
Urban Program on Livelihoods and Income Fortification and Socio-Civic Transformation for the Youth in Kampala Project: An Impact Evaluation (World Vision International)
Visualising Vulnerabilities: Patient Safety and Homelessness (Literature Review, Centre for Health Services Management, UTS)
Accelerating Indigenous Higher Education: Final Paper (National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Education Consortium (NATSIHEC) Aboriginal Corporation)
Annual Report 2022–23 (Air Transport Safety Bureau)
Annual Report 2022–23 (Airservices Australia)
Annual Report 2022–23 (Australian Commission for Quality and Safety in Health Care)
Annual Report 2022–23 (National Computer Infrastructure)
Annual Report 2021–22 (Fair Work Ombudsman)
Annual Report 2021–22 (National Computer Infrastructure)
Annual Report 2020–21 (Fair Work Ombudsman)
Annual Report 2020–21 (National Computer Infrastructure)
Annual Report 2019–20 (Defence Industry & Innovation Programme)
Annual Report 2019–20 (National Computer Infrastructure, Australian National University)
Annual Report 2019–20 (Whitehorse City Council)
Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) Strategic Plan 2020–2025
Australian Indigenous Psychology Education Project (AlPEP): Final Report (Department of Education & Training/University of Western Australia)
Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 (Commonwealth Government, Department of Social Services)
Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031: An Easy Read Guide (Commonwealth Government, Department of Social Services)
Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031: Data Improvement Plan (Commonwealth Government, Department of Social Services)
Engaging and partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents and caregivers (Commonwealth Government, Department of Education and Training)
Fair Work Ombudsman, Corporate Plan 2022–2026
Improving Vision Impaired Students’ Access to Graphics in Higher Education (Commonwealth Government, Department of Education and Training)
Local Industry Participation Plan (ACT Government, Department of Chief Minister + Treasury)
Money Management Kit Review: A Report Prepared for ASIC (Settlement Council of Australia)
National Disability Strategy 2010–2020: Final Progress Report (Commonwealth Government, Department of Social Services)
National Disability Strategy 2021–2030 (Commonwealth Government, Department of Social Services)
Pharmacy Digest 2022–23 (Pharmacy Guild of Australia)
Pharmacy Digest 2021–22 (Pharmacy Guild of Australia)
Reform of Australia’s Electronic Surveillance Framework – Discussion Paper (Commonwealth Government, Department of Home Affairs)
Review of the Impact of Illegal Offshore Wagering: Final Report (Commonwealth Government, Department of Social Services)
Review of the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010: Final Report (Commonwealth Government, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science)
Safe and Supported: National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021–2031 (Commonwealth Government, Department of Social Services)
Safe and Supported: The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021–2031. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander First Action Plan 2023–2026 (Commonwealth Government, Department of Social Services)
Safe and Supported: The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021–2031. First Action Plan 2023–2026 (Commonwealth Government, Department of Social Services)
Torres Strait Regional Biosecurity Plan 2017–2022 (Torres Strait Regional Authority)
Torres Strait Regional Biosecurity Plan: Island Profiles (Torres Strait Regional Authority)
Workplace Health and Safety Active Certification Policy (ACT Government, Department of Chief Minister + Treasury)


















